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Artist talk with Evelyn Kuwertz

Wed 08.11.

The exhibition Zur Situation der Frau in Familie und Gesellschaft was conceptualized collectively by the then HDK students (now Berlin University of the Arts) Evelyn Kuwertz, Antonia Wernery, and Brigitte Mauch as the project group EMMA but ended up being banned shortly before its opening at the Landesbildstelle Berlin in 1973. The reason given was a display of a rape scene in a domestic setting. In a spontaneous protest action, the artists set up
the exhibition for one day in the entrance hall of the university and invited representatives of the press. Upon this, the Women’s Film Seminar offered to host them, and the exhibition could be shown. The three artists experimented with different styles and tech- niques, combining drawings, paintings, collages, and a series of screen prints. The centerpiece was
a large-scale Leporello that addresses the socially ascribed roles of women as mothers, sexual objects, and housewives. As part of feminists elsewheres, selected sketches for the 1973 environment will be on view in the cinema foyer.

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The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut